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現在地 トップページ > 観音寺市公式ホームページの概要 > 外国語への対応(Foreign language)


外国語への対応(Foreign language)

ページ番号:0027598 更新日:2024年1月25日更新 印刷ページ表示

Correspondence to foreign language (外国語への対応)


This site is the official home page of KAN-ONJI is a municipality of Japan.
This site, to have you know the KAN-ONJI also foreign visitors, we have introduced a translation service for the entire site.Translate by using the free translation service of an external site, the home page KAN-ONJI.
Because it is translated mechanically, if it is not already in the correct translation is also available. Even if there is a mistake due accuracy of the translation, we can not be held responsible for all in KAN-ONJI, Please note.

Google Translation Service (Google翻訳サービスについて)


You can translate  KAN-ONJI website into multiple languages using Google's translation service.

※Please be sure to read the terms of the Google translation service before use.
  For Google Translation<外部リンク>